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Glentunnel Museum, Canterbury, New Zealand

Te rohe - Location
3 Philip Street, Glentunnel, Canterbury, New Zealand

Ngā haora mahi - Opening hours
Sunday 1pm - 4pm during Daylight Savings
By appointment

Te utu - Admission
$3 per adult, children free
Group bookings including guided walk $8 per adult

Glentunnel Museum contains an extensive collection of items recording the history of the area which has seen much rural industrialism, particularly the pottery and brickworks and coal mining.

The museum has an extensive library documenting the life of the early settlers and associated industries.

The building, in which the museum is housed, was originally the Loyal Coleridge Odd Fellows Hall. Built in 1908, it served as a Lodge Hall until 1968. In 1970 it was leased by the Selwyn District Council who later purchased the building.

Use the free app from 'Township Trails Selwyn' to further explore historic Glentunnel.

Ngā momo kohinga -
Collection Strengths

Archives and manuscripts

Books and journals



  • Historic photography

Social history



Ngā wāhi -

  • Archives

  • Reference library

  • Guided tours

  • Wheelchair access

  • Toilets

  • Parking

Whakapā mai -

  • Postal address

    c/- Pam Reynolds, Secretary, Counter Delivery Glentunnel Library Post , Glentunnel 7668

  • Phone number

    03 3182377 Pam Reynolds

  • Staff details

    The Museum is managed by a group of dedicated volunteers.

Kei te mahere -
On the map

Tūhuratia te kohinga -
Explore collection