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Silky Oak

Te rohe - Location
1131 Links Rd, R.D. 3, Napier, Hawkes Bay

Ngā haora mahi - Opening hours
Monday - Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
Saturday/ Sunday & most public holidays 10am - 4pm

Te utu - Admission
Adults $8, Seniors $7, Children $5 & Family pass $22
Group discounts by arrangement

Learn the story of a food whose past is as rich as its flavour.

Experience chocolates' astounding 3000 year history, in the only comprehensive chocolate museum in the Southern Hemisphere.

View a 2000 year old Mayan Chocolate Pot.

Admire the huge collection of chocolate paraphernalia.

See how chocolate has evolved through the centruries.

Learn how chocolate is made from 'Bean to Bar'.

Also a must is visiting our chocolate factory/shop to view chocolates being made.

Our dedication to the 'Food of the Gods' goes one step further in our 'Sheer Indulgence' Cafe

Ngā momo kohinga -
Collection Strengths

Social history

Ngā wāhi -

  • Wheelchair access

  • Toilets

  • Parking

  • Café

  • Shop

  • Other facilities

    Cafe open until 4pm each day
    Factory/shop for viewing and purchasing of chocolates
    gift shop
    Easy access for all
    2 Large carparks able to accomodate approx. 100 cars Rear carpark ideal for buses

Whakapā mai -

Kei te mahere -
On the map

Tūhuratia te kohinga -
Explore collection