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Geraldine Historical Society Museum

Te rohe - Location
5 Cox Street, Geraldine

Ngā haora mahi - Opening hours
Mon-Sat 10am-3pm, Sunday 12:30 - 3:00pm

Te utu - Admission
$5 per adult, children free.

The focus of the Geraldine Historical Museum is to record and display the history of the Geraldine area and highlight the contribution organisations and individuals have made to the development of the Timaru District, the Canterbury Region and in some cases contributions of national importance. This is achieved with an emphasis on personalising the area’s history through life-sized historical photographs, DVD’s and feature boards highlighting the deeds of pioneers and those who made history in the area.

The Museum provides an educational and research base for locals and visitors with a growing reputation in the national and international visitor market that complements other attractions within the town.

The Museum is based around the historical Town Board Office building on Cox Street (Historical Places Trust Category 2) and includes the adjacent Wharton building (former Women’s’ Restroom).

The Museum is open daily and desk duty volunteers provide a welcome and interpretive service to visitors. Volunteers are trained to carry out standard museum practices which include data entry, cataloguing, conservation, research and oral histories. A daily record of visitors is kept.

The Museum undertakes Family Research, records oral histories, stores clubs and organisations records and memorabilia and hosts schools, organisations and many other groups.

Ngā momo kohinga -
Collection Strengths

Natural history and sciences

Social history

Ngā wāhi -

  • Archives

  • High resolution images available for order

  • Wheelchair access

  • Other facilities

    Geraldine and District and family research undertaken / Book on the History of the Geraldine Linen Flax Mill / Museum brochures / Way We Were Cards (old Geraldine scenes)

Whakapā mai -

  • Postal address

    5 Cox Street, Geraldine 7930

  • Phone number

    64 3 693 7028

  • Email address

Kei te mahere -
On the map